Tuesday, October 12, 2010

The Technological Frontier: Changing the world

Inspired by Kristen Cardon's post, I found this other YouTube video that talks about human capital and technology merging in the world we live today. In a way, the technological frontier has made it so that human capital is really only "capital" when that "human" understands technology. Therefore, "human capital" is really morphing into "technology capital".

However, I don't think this is absolute. As Walden talked about simplifying things, in many ways, we still want to hold on to the "simple things of life". There are still many people who love to go to an old diner for dinner. Or many who would rather hike a mountain trail then surf online for 6 hours. A lot of people still like simplicity.

But, the internet and technology are revolutionizing the way we do things. Just like frontiers of America revolutionized the way that Americans were and are, and how they acted and act today.

Pioneers still exist today. They are not pushing the limits of civilization, but they are pushing the limits of technology beyond what we think could ever be possible.

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