Thursday, October 28, 2010

Modernism and the Digital Age

The beginning of Modernism brought into question all that had been established before. Einstein questioned conventional ideas of Newtonian Physics. Darwin questioned the idea of Man as an important figure, but rather a result of Natural Selection. Art and Literature broke away from "the rules" and focused more on how we experience the world around us. War was changed.

Truth was brought into question. As Mike Lemon talked about in his blog, Modernism became detached.

The beginning of the Digital Age has brought into question all that has been established before. The internet has questioned conventional ideas of information. Crowdsourcing has questioned the idea that a single person helps to fix the world, but rather that we collectively can solve problems. Art and Literature have broken away from "the rules" and are changing the way writing and art are published and viewed. War has changed.

Truth is being brought into question. The Digital Age almost encourages us to be detached from the "real world." Then again, what is truth, and what is the "real world."

The wonderful part is that there is truth that never changes. The Gospel is there to embrace all truth. That is why I love being a Mormon!

What is a Mormon?

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