Thursday, October 14, 2010

Changing the Future

Before reading my post, watch this video on the History Channel:

Jacquard's Autoloom

Isn't it amazing how many ideas in history have greatly effected the future, and yet the inventor had no idea at the time how much of an effect he or she might have on the future. Do you think Guttenberg realized how much his invention of the printing press would effect the future? Do you think Alexander Graham Bell realized how much his invention of the telephone would effect the future? Do you think Philo Farnsworth realized how much his invention of the modern electronic television would effect the future? Possibly not. In fact, many people can't see the results of their efforts during their lifetime. Many don't receive any recognition at all until many years after their death.

What effect will you have on the future? Who in our class will be a Thomas Edison of the future? Interesting to think about, isn't it?

What will your contribution to the future be?

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